
Summer’s Coming: Camp Send Off.

Here are some terrific ideas for sending off your “summer camper” in style.  First you need a box of some type that can be locked up. A crafts box, fishing tackle box, etc.. will work great.  You may want to set the combination lock to a very simple code or use a lock and key if you think they might have a hard time remembering the code.  These are great especially for those “first time” campers.

Things to send: click here for recipes for below

Popcorn Nut Munchy Mixture

A supply of home or Grandpa/Grandma addressed stamped envelopes

feminine or boyish stationary paper   and pen or pencil

Happy Trails Mix

Fruit Leathers

Beef Jerkey

Hot Chocolate mix with plastic cup / spoon

Their own special treat…. chocolate chip cookies, capri sun, etc…


Putting a PUNCH in Your Meals!! Easter how fun!

Today I’m going to help you all out with herbs, spices and seasonings. I’m going to share some quick little recipes for adding some spunk to your meals. So let’s spice it up!

Herbs and Spices are some of the greatest ingredients in cooking. See “Most Commonly Used Herbs” for information about those herbs used most often. Also check out the recipes for homemade Spices and Seasonings. Ever ran out of Lemon Pepper, or had a recipe call for chili powder and had none? Ever wanted to try Curry and didn’t know what to add? Not only can these seasonings be expensive, you can make your own for pennies on the dollar, and I love saving money.

Well we had a great Easter. The grandchildren hunted eggs and ate enough sugar to keep them running for a few more days.


The day started with Rachael in Sunday School. Her teacher was talking about Jesus and how he is in heaven now, sitting on the right hand of God. Rachael pipes in with her own response to that; “and the devils buried in the desert.” It makes you wonder how a kids mind works, because no one has told her that! I guess I can kind of follow the thought process, devil > hell > hot with no water > desert. Not sure how she got the buried part though.

Am I a lucky grandmother or what?  My grandbabies are beautiful!